Contact Us

Use the form on the right to contact the One Book Thomas County committee. We'd love to hear from you!

201 North Madison Street
Thomasville, GA, 31792
United States


One Book Thomas County is South Georgia's first-ever One Book festival. Each year, we spend a week honoring a selected book and its author, conducting a variety of community events designed to get people excited about literacy.




Contribute to our Honeymoon Fund

We don't need you to bring us gifts – we know plane tickets are expensive and your presence at the wedding is enough! If you really want to give us something, a contribution to our honeymoon fund would be awesome.


Here's how you can get the money to us:



– 1 –

Hand-deliver a cheque to us at the wedding


– 2 –

Contribute to our PayPal fund here


– 3 –

Venmo, Square Cash, or whatever other electronic payment method you want to